Saturday, July 21, 2007

cell phone

for anyone who cares:

i got my cell phone today. the number is 076 456 1097 and the country code is 27.

Today was cool except my debit card got eaten by an atm. so I don't really know what I'm supposed to do about that. alas.



Jacqueline said...

Wow. Ellen. Please don't loose anything else.

And, today, on the front page of the Business section of the Sunday New York Times, there is an article called, "Africa, Ofline: Waiting for the Web."

link -->

C-Kell said...

A poem for Ellen
to remind you of English:
the best class ever.

I <3 you, and miss you obvs. No, Ellen, that's not the ending to Harry Potter. If you think JKRowling would make a punk ass move like that, you really have no faith in British literature, DO YOU. I don't know Hermione's fate, nor Harry's. Actually, I do know Harry's. Base, he wakes up, and it was all a dream, but he has a lightning bolt imprinted on his head from the way the pillowcase was folded.

Meghan said...

glad to hear you are alive and well, and awesome that you saw winget! Love you and miss you! Stay safe!

devin said...

my dearest ellen--

i miss you more than life. seriously, please be safe and have an amazazing time! I feel like you've been gone for soooo long even though its only been less than a month. Anywayyy just wanted to say hey and that i <3 you A LOT.

ps- Chrissy's comment about the folded pillow case is pricelessly funny. File that under the best of chrissy ;)