Monday, July 9, 2007


i figured i'd better post something today since i'm about to send out an e-mail telling people to read this, and i didn't want anyone to check and be dissapointed, you know?

anyways, heres some info for anyone who wants it:

I'm leaving tomorrow, July 10th- ahhhhh- my flights out of JFK is at 7pm and I'll be getting into London the next morning, and then immediately swimming to Paris to meet up with the one and only Sara Bedford. ( if anyone doesnt know her, facebook her because she is awesome.) That should be pretty exciting cuz she was abroad in Cameroon last semester and I haven't seen her in eons. wahoo!

So I'll be tooling around in Paris/London for a week, during which I am pretty pumped to see the new Harry Potter movie in London and be in France for Bastille Day. I'm flying out of London on the 18th and arriving in Cape Town in the early afternoon of the 19th after a short layover in Johannesburg.

After that I pretty much dont know what will be going on, except orientation start the 22nd and classes start the 31st...ew...i almost forgot i had to take classes. so...we'll see how that goes...

i promise this will be my most boring blog post, because no one really wants to know about my flight information, but i don't have much else to write about right now, plus if i think too hard about the fact that i'm going abroad tomorrow i might throw up.

on that note, ill talk to you kids later when i'm in a more interesting place than upstate ny.

peace out, and stay cool because it is really hot today


Meghan said...

I get to be the first to comment! Hooray! Safe travels!

P.S. You may consider altering who can post so that people don't have to set up a google account - that was annoying! but oh well, I was still first!

Jacqueline said...

I really thought I told you to stay in America....

miss you already <3


vito :)

Yosef Seddiq said...

cool stuff, keep us posted.


TaminElSal said...

Ellen,I miss you already! I'll be thinking about you lots this fall! 10:15 won't be the same without you!


Renner said...

Oh ellen my love i miss you soo much already but dev told me im not allowed to say that bc we know u are going to have the time of ur life over there!. hafe fun in paris and stay away from the scheevy french boys....unless they are rich lol
love you <3