Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Happy Feet

hey hey hey

So I've been meaning to write in this thing for a couple of days, but the internet in my house as been a bit haywire, so my apologies.

I mostly just wanted to post a picture of thisssssssss:

oh yeah..penguins. We finally went to see them this past weekend in Simon's Town and it was fantastico. They were adorable, as this picture demonstrates. It was kind of weird to see them on a beach in 75 degree weather though, since I always picture them with the north pole or something..

And this is Betsy, the seal that we saw a couple weekends ago.


Ok that's enough animals...

Things have been going pretty smoothly over here. I finally hit the month mark, and now that i'm a little past it I feel like things have smoothed out and I'm getting into a routine...

1) I planned my spring break trip! Me and some of my roommates/amigos are flying to Jo'berg and then taking a tour up through Botswana and Namibia, and ending at Victoria Falls, which is on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe. (although we probly won't get to go into Zim because of everything going on there) I'm really excited about the trip so hooray...! I just need to get through 5 papers before then...awesome

2) Some people have been asking for my skype name so here it is... ellen.mccartney....creative i know. and in case anyone wants to send me love letters, my address is
2 Church St.
Rondebosch 7700
Cape Town, South Africa

3) I hope everyone that's doing Summer Appa is having a blast this week...I gotta say it's a little weird not being a part of it, or not packing to go back to school, but hey...

I hope everyone at home is getting pumped for a new semester, it's strange that I've been in school for so long and the rest of the world is still in summer mode. Soon you'll all be joining me in the world of papers and classes and reading...bwaha.

umm..i dont really no what else to say write brain is kind of fried at the moment. lately I've been a bit all over the place...

I'll write tomorrow when I'm more coherant but for now this will have to do. and good luck to everyone who's getting ready to go abroad. Be safe, have fun, and learn alot. and tell me all about it.


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