Wednesday, October 10, 2007

That time I almost got eaten by sharks.


So first off, I just want to say that the Yankees have broken my heart, and I really hope that they don't fire Torre. But on the bright side, BC football is apparently #3 right now, so hooray for that. Suck it Notre Dame.

but ANYWAY, this will probably be a picture heavy post because that's more interesting. My life is running pretty smoothly over in this corner of the world, and other than the fact that I'm trying really hard not to get sick Cape Town has been treating me really well. I only have two weeks of classes left before school ends, which is insane. I really can't believe how fast my time here is flying by. The longer that I'm here the more difficult I find it to summarize anything- what I've been doing, experiencing, learning, feeling- anything. But I suppose I should keep trying, so here are some highlights since my last post:

Well first off the most crazy/scary/insane thing that I have done in Cape Town slash done in my whole life was go shark cage diving. A little while ago it was Heritage Day/National Braai Day here SA and because we had the day off from class a bunch of us decided to go check it out, and we were most definitely not dissapointed. For anyone who doesn't know what shark cage diving is, basically you head out to sea on a boat and when you reach great white territory, the crew throws chum (fish parts...lovely..) into the water to bait the sharks, and then you climb into a cage that's strapped to the side of the boat and wait for them to come.

The cage is fairly big but there are pretty big gaps between the bars so you have to make sure you don't stick any limbs outside. SO basically these sharks kept swimming by kind of far away so I remained relatively calm, but one time a shark caught the bait and like trashed around and banged up against the front of the cage, and HIS NOSE CAME THROUGH THE BARS. Basically, I flat out panicked and totally screamed underwater, but managed not to get my arm bitten off. I can't believe I did that either... I felt like I was inside shark are some pictures but even they don't say enough:

That's a good shot of the cage, you can see how far apart the bars are. I'm out of my mind.

Another highlight was last weekend I finally made it to Robben Island, the prison where Nelson Mandela was held for 18 years along with many many other political prisoners. It was definitely a pretty powerful and educational experience, minus the fact that the ocean was very rough and everyone got sick. I'm really over boats. But yeah, Robben Island pictures, because nothing I can say will do it justice:

4th window in is Mandela's cell

Mandela's cell complete with props

i just thought this was funny.

Ok its getting late here so this will have to be cut short, but i have more pictures/stories to put up tomorrow. for anyone who cares South Africa just advanced to the Rugby World Cup finals, hellz yeah.


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